Founded in the Spring of 2020 by Mollie Williamson, Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine hopes to bring forth the magic of writing and art.

We aim to publish four issues each year.

Send us your metaphors, your musings, your layered thoughts. Dazzle us with delightful new worlds. Spellbind us with the history of the past. Make us believe in a world of endless possibilities.

Get to know our staff by reading their bios below.

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Mollie Williamson

Founder, Editor-in-Chief

Mollie Williamson attended Saint Mary’s College of California double majoring in Art History and Women’s Studies in 2013. She then received her Master’s in Women’s Studies from the University of Alabama in 2014. Mollie enjoys writing stories based on fairy tales and mythology. Her work has been featured in The Pinkley Press, Toho Journal, Nightingale & Sparrow, White Wall Review, Nymphs Publications, HerStry, and Nitrogen House among others.


Megan Bonilla

Poetry Editor

Megan Bonilla is a Salvadorian-American writer from Fairfield, CA. Megan Bonilla holds a Bachelor’s in Chicano/Latino Studies from the University of California, Irvine and a Master’s in Public Policy from the University of Southern California. She has a daughter named Aurora. Megan’s writing tends to focus on dreams, nature, and the surreal existence of being. Her work has been featured in Rigorous Magazine.


Parth Shirke

Art & Photography Editor

Parth Shirke received his Master’s in Electrical Engineering from CSU Long Beach in 2016. Since then, he has moved to the Bay Area and works in the tech industry. Parth finds relief from his fast-paced life by taking photos inspired by the urban city he works in while also taking the time to capture the beauty of nature. His photography has been featured in J. Mane Gallery, honey & lime literary magazine, Tiny Seed Literary Journal, and Nightingale & Sparrow.