Thank you for considering to submit to Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine! We understand how personal each submission is as we ourselves have undergone the submissions process numerous times. Please know that we consider each submission seriously. We want to bring more voices and art into the world so send us your best work, we can’t wait to see it!
Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine is sadden to close. But our site will remain active for all previously published works. We’d like to thank all our contributors and the writing community for your support.
Please take a moment to read our policies to ensure your work fits the expectations of our magazine.
We will not publish any work we consider to be hateful including works that are sexist, homophobic, racist, demeaning, or harmful to others in any way.
We accept simultaneous submissions, however, please let us know right away if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
We only accept unpublished works.
We want to give as many writers and artists the opportunity to submit their work. With this in mind, please submit only once and to only one genre per reading period as multiple entries will not be considered for publication.
Also, please ensure to submit during the submission period only as work sent outside the submission period will not be read.
Please read the specific guidelines for each genre below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will not be considered for publication.
Submission Guidelines:
Submit up to 3 flash fiction pieces of no more than 1,000 words each or one short story of no more than 3,000 words.
Please ensure that your pages are paginated and that each story starts on a new page and the title is clearly visible.
If submitting multiple flash fiction pieces, please submit them in one document.
Submit up to 3 poems in one document.
Please ensure that each poem starts on a new page and that the title is clearly visible.
The total page count should not exceed 5 pages. Please keep this in mind when formatting poem(s).
Art & Photography
Submit 1-5 pieces of art or photography.
Please attach each image separately and title each uploaded image as follows: YourName_Title. (For example: ParthShirke_NemoFound).
Please allow up to one month after the close of the current submission period to receive a decision. If you don’t hear from us after one month, please contact us at: analogiesandallegories@gmail.com
Please use our submission form only. Submissions sent to us via email will not be read.
At the moment, we are unable to compensate contributors or send out contributor copies of our print edition.
Make sure to follow us on social media to see our latest updates and calls for submission!
Please note that by allowing us to publish accepted works, contributors grant Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine First North American Serial Rights as well as World Serial Rights, First Print Publishing Rights, Electronic Rights, and Archival Rights to archive works on our website. Additionally, by allowing us to publish accepted works, contributors verify that their work is completely original and does not violate any copyrights. Contributors agree to indemnify and hold harmless Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine and its staff.