Issue 7: Zodiac Signs
For our seventh issue, we asked artists and writers to submit work based on their Zodiac sign. Do you identify with or defy your sign? Is your fate written in the stars?
Sufi warrior poet Tiel Aisha Ansari has been featured by Measure, Windfall, and Everyman’s Library. Her collections include Knocking from Inside, High-Voltage Lines, Country Well-Known as an Old Nightmare’s Stable, The Day of My First Driving Lesson, and Dervish Lions. She hosts Wider Window Poetry on KBOO Community Radio.
Mark Baillie is an Edinburgh-based writer who is currently working on his first novel. Mark's interests are in Gypsy and Roma history and his own Scottish Traveller roots. He has published articles on the topic with the National Library of Scotland, Journal of Media Ethics, and the Gypsy and Traveller Family History Society.
Sarah Brooks lives among the ancient redwood forests of far Northern California. She is a child of the moon, graduate of the California Institute of Integral Studies and is pursuing an MA in English/Lit. at Mills College in Oakland. Her poems have been published in Lucky Jefferson, North Coast Journal, in a collection of pandemic poems entitled Behind the Mask, and in a forthcoming anthology from Blood Moon Press. You can follow her on Instagram at: @sarahbneaththemoon
Marialyz Chan (she/her) is an eighteen year old illustrator from Canada. Most of her work is drawn in a cartoon like style and consists of being mostly fanart. However, she also enjoys drawing/experimenting with other art styles, and can be found on Instagram (@xlimelordx). But in her spare time, she enjoys listening to true crime, music, eating sweets, cosplaying, and even watching movies.
Christina Ciufo is a passionate writer in poetry, short stories, flash fictions, fables, and completing her first novel. At a very young age, she always had a passion for writing stories and poems, specifically in fairytales, folklore, supernatural, and horror. She has numerously appeared in literary magazines including Spillwords, Ovunque Siamo, Nymphs, Mookychick, Moonchild Magazine, Crêpe & Penn, Not Deer Magazine, Cauldron Anthology, Speculate This Magazine, Poetically Magazine, Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine, Re-Side, and Coven Magazine.
Jason de Koff (he/him) is an associate professor of agronomy and soil science at Tennessee State University. He lives in Nashville, TN with his wife, Jaclyn, and his two daughters, Tegan and Maizie. He has been published in a number of journals including C&P Quarterly, Bandit Fiction, The Daily Drunk, Sledgehammer Lit, Ayaskala, Fahmidan Journal, Near Window, and Analogies and Allegories. His chapbook, “Words on Pages”, is currently available on Amazon at
Ariana Frascatore is a self-taught freelance illustrator from northern New York working in environmental conservation. In her spare time, she enjoys creating fantasy and sci-fi themed illustrations and comics that reflect her love for the natural world. She aspires to one day write her own graphic novel. Her work can be found on her social media (@airyfrasc), or on her website:
Susan F. Glassmeyer was named Ohio Poet of the Year in 2018 for her first collection INVISIBLE FISH. In addition to two chapbooks (BODY MATTERS and COOK'S LUCK) she has been published online and in paper journals including RATTLE and JAMA. A member of the Greater Cincinnati Writers League, Susan is the creator of APRIL GIFTS, a ten-year poetry project honoring National Poetry Month.
Rev Joe Haward is an author, poet, and heretic. His work has been published in a variety of places where he writes horror, noir, and transgressive fiction. His fiction has won the Prize for Short Story Telling, whilst his poetry has been nominated for The Pushcart Prize. His debut poetry collection, Heresy, will be released in 2022. Find him at
Sarah Jane Hurst is an Australian editor and writer. She is currently a sub-editor for Deakin WORDLY Magazine, as well as a poetry editor for Levatio Magazine and Diet Milk Magazine. Some of her work has been published in Deakin WORDLY Magazine and Lot's Wife Magazine. You can also visit her website and follow her on Twitter and Instagram at: @sarahjane_edwr
Yuu Ikeda is a Japan based poet. She loves writing, drawing, and reading mystery novels. She writes poetry on her website. Her published poems can be found in Nymphs, Selcouth Station Press, Goat’s Milk Magazine, Sad Girl Review, and more. Her Twitter and Instagram : @yuunnnn77
Yuu Ikeda is a Japan based poet. She loves writing, drawing, and reading mystery novels. She writes poetry on her website. Her published poems can be found in Nymphs, Selcouth Station Press, Goat’s Milk Magazine, Sad Girl Review, and more. Her Twitter and Instagram : @yuunnnn77
Marisa Jorgensen is a writer from Canada who’s currently studying Creative Writing and Publishing. She has enjoyed writing for as long as she can remember and loves telling stories through everything she creates. She hopes to inspire people and have them immerse themselves in many feelings when they read her words. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys reading, listening to music, crocheting, and photography. She also shares some of her writing on her Instagram account, @writingbymarisa.
Naomi C Kenny, a degree holder in Business & Arts Management, & has been active on the poetry scene for many years. Performing at events such as Flying South and Circle Sessions. She regularly publishes poetry on her Facebook page, ‘LiterallyWords’, which can be found at She has been published by the Tealight Express in their 2021 May Issue, their Star Sign issue and their Symmetry issue. Her work has also been published by the Magpie Review, Poetry in Bloom, in the 6th issue of Analogies and Allegories literary magazine, as well as in the Greystones Poetry Trail in 2020 and 2021. She is currently working on getting a collection of her poems published in the upcoming year.
Vanessa Maderer was a young reader turned editor, writer, and finally enthusiastic poet who has recently debuted her first chapbook entitled, ‘Cusp of Dusk’ after a decade of revision. Now, she has an insatiable appetite for new ideas and themes, and can be found most easily through Twitter at @MadererV.
Kate Meyer-Currey moved to Devon in 1973. A varied career in frontline settings has fuelled her interest in gritty urbanism, contrasted with a rural upbringing, often with a slipstream twist. Since September 2020 she has had over a hundred poems published in print and online journals, both in the UK and internationally. Her first chapbook ‘County Lines’ (Dancing Girl Press) comes out this Autumn. Her second Cuckoo’s Nest’ (Contraband Books) is due in February 2022.
Tara Baoth Mooney is a female identifying sound and visual artist, stitch herbalist and performer of creature tales who works across different forms of practice including composition, drawing, spoken and written word. Tara collaborates with The Clumsy Giantess - a shadow persona - and is based in the North West of Ireland. Her work has been published on paper, vinyl and cassette tape and she is currently finishing her doctorate on art and storytelling supporting personhood for people with dementia. You can find her here and here
Lindsey Morrison Grant self-identifies as a neurodivergent, two-spirit, elder, storyteller, and contrarian deeply rooted in the roar and lore that's become Portlandia of The Left Coast, who attributes success and survival (if not salvation) to superlative supports, mindfulness practice, and daily creative expression in words, sounds, and images.
Lindsey Morrison Grant self-identifies as a neurodivergent, two-spirit, elder, storyteller, and contrarian deeply rooted in the roar and lore that's become Portlandia of The Left Coast, who attributes success and survival (if not salvation) to superlative supports, mindfulness practice, and daily creative expression in words, sounds, and images.
Lindsey Morrison Grant self-identifies as a neurodivergent, two-spirit, elder, storyteller, and contrarian deeply rooted in the roar and lore that's become Portlandia of The Left Coast, who attributes success and survival (if not salvation) to superlative supports, mindfulness practice, and daily creative expression in words, sounds, and images.
Terri Mullholland (she / her) is a writer and researcher living in London, UK. She has a PhD from the University of Oxford, where she has taught English Literature and Critical Theory. Her flash fiction has appeared in Litro, The Sirens Call, Flash Fiction Magazine, Every Day Fiction, Toasted Cheese, Full House, Severine, Tether's End, The Liminal Review, and Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine. In 2021 she was shortlisted for the Bridport Prize for Flash Fiction. Website:
Lisa Owens is a poet and fiction writer from St. Louis, Missouri. With a passion for connection to self, nature and others she seeks to inspire, instill strength and build a relationship with the reader. Her work can be found in publications by Quillkeepers Press, Poets Choice, Tiny Seed Journal, Plants & Poetry Journal, Bluing the Blade Literary Journal, Epich Literary Journal, Unlimited Literature and WinglessDreamer.
Rachel Townsend (she/her) is a fiction and poetry writer based in London, England. She holds a BA in English Literature and a Master’s degree in Creative Writing, both from Royal Holloway University of London. Currently, Rachel is working on a novel loosely based on Welsh Mythology and a collection of short stories. Her star sign is Taurus.
Oormila Vijayakrishnan Prahlad is an Indian-Australian artist, poet, and pianist, who was raised in the Middle East. Her art and poetry have been published in both print and online journals and anthologies including The Eunoia Review, Vita Brevis Press, Bracken Magazine, and Black Bough Poetry. Her poetry has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, and her art multiple times for The Best of The Net. She serves as a chief editor for Authora Australis. She lives and works in Sydney on the land of the Ku-ring-gai people of The Eora Nation.